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Who We Are & What We Do
The resources below are intended to help provide insight into the unique values, processes, and distinctions that make Recovery Church, Recovery Church.

Be Baptized and Work the Steps
During baptisms, you will often hear a leader say, “Buried with Jesus in baptism; raised to walk in new life in Christ” as the baptized...

Recovery Church Essentials (Translated into Korean)
The below file is the RC Essentials Packet translated into Korean

El Acuerdo de Ubicación de Socios de Iglesia de la Recuperación (RC Location Agreement)
Adjunto está nuestro Acuerdo de Ubicación de Socios de Iglesia de la Recuperación traducido al español

Elementos Esenciales del líder de Servicio (Servant Leader Essentials)
Adjunto está nuestro Servidor Líder Essentials traducido al español

Paquete Esencial (Essentials Packet)
Adjunto está nuestro Paquete de Esenciales traducido al español

RC Presentation
Here is an overview presentation of who Recovery Church is, and what we do. This explains the heart, vision, and focus of Recovery...

Recovery Church Online Postcard
Here is a postcard that you can use at your location so people can tune into Recovery Church Online with Max. Recovery Church Online...

RCM Brochure
Here is a brochure that shares the heart and vision behind Recovery Church Movement. These can be printed and displayed at your location.

Recovery Church Values - Short Form
Attached is a document with the short version of the Recovery Church Values
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